What is AFAB and AMAB? Why You Should Care

What is AFAB and AMAB? Why You Should Care

Language is a great measure of a society's willingness to embrace humanistic ideas. One indicator of this adaptability is the naming of gender and identity. Even persons who do not want to offend or grieve others and are aware of current gender discourse find it difficult to do so at times. The acronyms AFAB and AMAB were created in an attempt to provide the most neutral vocabulary possible, unifying people who were unwilling or unable to adhere to the M/W binary concept. We're trying to figure out why this is vital to know for all of us, not just cisgender people.

What exactly are cisgender people?

What is AFAB and AMAB? Why You Should Care.description. 1

You are a cisgender individual if your gender self-perception matches the gender on your passport or birth certificate. At the same time, based on the M or G marker, you do not have to comply to the canons of culture and self-presentation that society demands of you. Mark Bryan, a well-known blogger, for example, has become recognized for wearing heels, blouses, and pencil skirts in his daily life despite identifying as a heterosexual man. The most important factor is the "lack of conflict" between assigned gender and self-definition. When it comes to communicating one's identity, it's vital to remember that the prefix "cis" is optional.


What exactly is AFAB?

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It stands for Assigned Feminine At Birth, which refers to someone who was born with the female gender. There are dozens of genders nowadays, and this is the most neutral definition for those who disagree with the passport label. It's important to note that this is not about sexuality, orientation, or gender. AFAB is just the most concise manner of conveying information about a person, and their upbringing. It is far and by the most neutral option to offensive terms like "born female," which can be hurtful to the person in question.

What exactly is AMAB?

AMAB is for Assigned Male At Birth, and it refers to someone who was born with the male gender. We're not just talking about transgender folks in both circumstances. Non-binary non-transgender persons and non-binary transgender people, for example. The former have an outward struggle since they do not feel the need to fit into a social framework and do not wish to be classified as either male or female. They have an internal struggle between their assigned sex at birth and their sense of self.

And why is this knowledge necessary?

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The answer is straightforward: all of these stages ensure freedom of choice, including the choice of self-identification. In some nations, for example, it is possible to select marker X in the column "Gender" at birth. It roughly encompasses the entire range of possibilities between the traditional designations M and G. When an individual is ready for self-determination, he has the right to choose an identity. In the United States, Australia, India, Canada, and a number of other nations, the third gender is already in use.

But it's not so simple with AFAB and AMAB

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As with gender identity, the first question to ask the person you want to tell something about (for example, in a social media post or a conversation with a third party — with the persona's permission) is whether it is appropriate to apply these terms to her/him/them.

Complicated? Here's where transpersons talk about their dating life. And here we answer uncomfortable questions about dating a trans person.

Stas Sarkisov


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