9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure

Types of women on dating apps... What are they? The ladies on Pure are beautiful and unique — we love and appreciate each and every one of them. But since we’ve already dissected our gentlemen into types of men you’ll meet on dating apps, we figured it’s only fair to present you with the female version. Here are women of Pure classified by us after thorough research. Have you met any? Or are you one of them? Either way, let’s not take this (and ourselves) too seriously - our intention here is to make you laugh.

Straightforward Nymph

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure.0. 1

This lady knows exactly what she wants and why she’s on Pure. In the world of blurred lines, mixed signals, and confusion in dating, she’s the polar opposite of those. She’s an easygoing woman looking for something casual. She wants you here and now — and at this moment, you are her perfect candidate. She doesn’t care about a man’s net worth, car, or superficial small talk — her priority is having a good time with someone who knows how to please her. The only question left here: can you handle her? The only question left here: can you handle her?


The more the merrier

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure.0. 2

Yes, these people are looking for a threesome. This girl has a partner. Most likely a long-term boyfriend. And now they’re out looking for a third together. They want an adventure — and you’re their prize of choice. Intrigued? Then, by all means, go for it. We really encourage you to discuss all the threesome boundaries, limits, and upcoming actions between all of you beforehand to spare yourselves awkwardness or discomfort — we know this is an intricate matter that might require some mental preparation. 

If you’ve always wanted to try being a third in a couple and you’re feeling 100% confident and ready — it might just become the best encounter in your dating history so far! Worst case scenario: you can always just leave them to it.

Ambiguous Duchess

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure.0. 3

This kind of woman doesn’t have any profile photos. Her Pure ad is either Morse code, a couple of emojis, or something impossible to decipher. She might be an international spy agent — at least you’re having suspicions she is one. Or even better, one of the Pure team columnists gathering material for upcoming article research. The one thing we know about this girl is that getting to know her will be thrilling — we bet she has interesting things to share. Or maybe she’s just shy and doesn’t want to be perceived by people she doesn’t know? That is a possibility, too.

As long as you’re abiding by the Pure Security rules (we have an article on how to protect yourself from scammers on the app here) — go ahead and match with her!

Long Distance Sweetheart

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure.1. 1

Pure is borderless, so matching with someone from a different city (or continent) is a common occurrence. And in general, long-distance crushes happen often. Something we really love about being online!

Pros: your conversation will be lively. If she’s up for some texting fun, she will most likely tell you what she is (or isn’t) wearing — a sexting session is coming. She will describe in detail how, when, and where you’re going to do it. And if you’re lucky enough, she’ll send stunning photos you’re never going to forget. You might even do a video chat session on the app if the stars align.

Cons: you will probably not meet in person anytime soon. But even this upsetting notion shouldn’t stop you — this is the person to share your dirtiest fantasies with as you can let yourself dive into the freedom of purely online connection and the nonchalant self-expression it brings. There’s something cool about sexting online! The world is yours! Besides, if you do eventually meet up, there will be no need to break the ice — your connection is already as profound as it gets.

Miss not-just-for-fun

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure.1. 2

She’s looking for something serious. So, this girl won’t be a companion to that kink party you’ve been dying to attend next Saturday. She probably doesn’t want to meet up on the spot or become your occasional acquaintance. She’s on Pure for something beyond quick connection — she’s looking for a relationship: a long-term commitment, perhaps even true love.

In case you’re still reading this and the aforementioned words didn’t scare you off – we strongly recommend you build a connection with her and cherish it. As much as we encourage casualty and simplicity in dating — we treasure longevity and believe that it’s possible to find your life partner on Pure. Many people find love on dating apps! We’ve got real-life stories to prove! 

Maybe she’s the one for you? Let things unfold naturally, only time will tell!

Mrs. Taken

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure.2. 1

This is a married woman, yes. And sometimes, married women want to date around. You’re her escape from the routine of life. As long as this doesn’t go against your values and morals, go on and be her best escape. Surprise her, make her feel excited, defeat the boredom — just make it count.

With this girl, you’re bound to feel like James Bond himself — secrecy, confidential meetups, thrill, and the excitement of something so forbidden yet so sweet. MI6 is counting on you!

If breaking the rules is something you’d like to stay away from - we support that, too. No judgment or encouragement from us here, we understand the nuance of these situations and want everyone to rely on their own moral compass — that being said, we believe ethical non-monogamy is the best way to do it; when one’s partner knows about the adventure you’re embarking on, and everyone involved is well aware of the situation. Married women and single partners are a good combination sometimes. Again, not encouraging — just saying.

Noble Dominatrix

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure.2. 2

This is a dominating woman. She doesn’t care if you’re a manly man (or masculine-presenting) — tonight you will be serving her. And believe us when we say this: as soon as you let go of outdated stereotypes around masculinity and dominance, even if just for one day, you’ll enjoy it as much as she will. This lady can open up a world of sensations and emotions you didn’t know existed — you won’t regret it. Dominant women are the best, right?

Exploration, new experiences, and the happiness of going with the flow are all awaiting. She’s the boss tonight, so all that’s left to do for you is do as she pleases.

New in Town

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure.3. 1

She’s never been on dating apps before. Or maybe she’s on dating apps occasionally just to scroll. She just downloaded Pure or at least hasn’t met up with anyone from the app yet, for one reason or another. She doesn’t hide this and will let you know — most likely you’ve already figured it out yourself. She might be a little reticent in communication, so you’re going to be the one to take the lead and make sure she feels comfortable and opens up. Proceed with caution and consideration — you want her to be able to say “My first Pure date was the most unforgettable one”, right?

Too good to be true

9 Types of Women You'll Meet on Pure.3. 2

So, you’ve met someone you really like. What’s next? Sometimes you come across someone so incredible and just-your-perfect-type on Pure, you can’t believe what you’re seeing. She looks like your ultimate fantasy, talks freely and openly, makes you laugh, and each minute spent in her presence is your best minute.

As always, check our Pure Secure guide just in case to make sure she’s the real deal, but most likely you just got very, very lucky — congratulations from us! Don’t miss out on her. Treat her with respect (as you should treat everyone on the app and elsewhere in general), be honest with her, send her your best photos (with consent, of course), and be nice. Time to get ready for the date of your lifetime!

Pure Team


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