Yura (33): Modigliani, Gratin and the CEO of Shameless Dating

Yura (33): Modigliani, Gratin and the CEO of Shameless Dating

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Yura (33): Modigliani, Gratin and the CEO of Shameless Dating.description. 1

The Culture Code approach

I have been using Pure since 2016. I was bored at home one day and decided to give it a shot. Pure was giving all users a free one week trial at the time, which was just enough to get me hooked. The other apps never really worked for me, and Pure felt like something new. Unlike Pure, traditional dating apps are not nearly as straightforward: you have to beat around the bush and quite literally fake it till you make it. Here’s my personal experience with this dating app.

My last experience with Pure led me to meeting my now girlfriend Olya. We've been together for seven or eight months, and I can confidently say I'm happy with her. And even though it doesn't quite fit the purpose of the app, it's quite amazing that it happened right here.

Back then I was talking to two other girls on Pure, but soon after I matched with Olya I just stopped logging in.

Olya had her dating profile description in English, I messaged her something in English too and she told me that she recently went to a Rolling Stones concert. And although my ad ("Like a Rolling Stone") was a Bob Dylan song reference, we immediately clicked. We talked poetry, cinema — it was a nice little exchange in a shared cultural code. There were plenty of jokes too — and, to be honest, trying to impress someone with your witty humor is quite a mental exercise.


I’ve never given an interview about my dick pic before

Olya received a dick pic from me almost  immediately, the very first day we chatted on Pure. So, we started sexting each other. I covered my guy with a blanket so it kind of resembled a mountain, to which she said that it looked like one tree hill. Hilarious! We still laugh about it from time to time.

Here is another amusing dick pic story. I have a Modigliani reproduction in my living room. And when I sent it to a girl I was talking to, she noticed it in the background right away. She replied, "Oh, so you like Modigliani too?". At that moment I knew we shared the same cultural code. That's how I feel about Olya as well.

Yura (33): Modigliani, Gratin and the CEO of Shameless Dating.description. 2

An IT girl

I was late for our first date. Olya suggested we meet on our first date at this restaurant saying she'd be there in 30 minutes. By the time I got dressed and drove there, she was already paying the bill. Yet still, we stayed there for a while drinking wine while she was telling me about her significant IT experience. I’m in the same industry, so I was captivated. I said to myself, "Wow, this gal really understands IT. What a surprise!"

When I walked her home, I suggested we switch from Pure to a messenger or elsewhere: “Let’s stop texting in this filth factory app”, to which she casually said she is the CEO of Pure. Of course, I was baffled — I had no idea! I believe I had seen a notification about her in the app — I even saw her photo at one point, but never put two and two together. Obviously, I looked her up later.

COVID-19 is the new black

We ended up seeing each other around three times a week, and just four days after our last meeting I spiked a fever of 39C. Being ill with pneumonia, I had to spend an entire month at home. We kept communicating in Pure style — from a distance. Olya sent me food, potato gratin, and I loved it. And of course, she helped me fight off the virus with photos and sexting. Dating during the COVID-19 pandemic has its benefits, you can check out them here.

No one knew when dating would go back to normal back then. For a while, I thought she was going to ghost me because of my unfortunate COVID quarantine — she's the CEO of shameless dating, after all, so she should be the most experienced user by default. Who could’ve thought she would turn out to be a “dealer who sells but does not use”.

She visited me as soon as I got my first negative PCR test — and we've been inseparable for more than seven months since.


I like the app’s name a lot. I feel that it is not "pure" in the sense of principles and morals, but is rather about pure communication, clean of husk and hypocrisy.

Pure is an opportunity to meet as many interesting people as you want from the comfort of your own home, sitting on your couch. It's an opportunity to find someone who's right just for you.

Your most successful ad:

Obviously, it's the last picture I used on Pure: It was a photo of a horse and me walking alongside. The caption was "Like a Rolling Stone".

What is the first thing you tell about yourself:

I don’t really have a plan. I try to start with a joke right away and see if the other person likes it. From there, it is always impromptu. 

What’s not a good topic for the very first chat:

It’s probably better to not discuss serious intentions right away.

In a potential partner you are most attracted to …

In addition to the obvious things - good looks and all that - a sense of humor: you do want to be able to laugh at each other (and with each other!).

You will never date a person who …

won’t find my jokes funny.

The coolest thing about Pure is - …

That it’s straight to the point.

A piece of advice for someone who just downloaded the app?

Try to be yourself, don’t take it too seriously, and enjoy the ride.

Pure Team


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