Pure Ads: your guide to success on the app
So, what is a Pure ad, and what’s the big deal about it? It’s quite simple, actually: a little combination of words and letters that works as a magic ticket. Destination? The world of dating opportunities. The right ad is much like your business card, and as any good entrepreneur, you gotta present yourself the right way — consciously, witty, with confidence and openness. On Pure, there are no profiles with bios, you have to post an ad in order to see others. We gathered a few tips for you to get more attention on Pure (with some not-so-great ad examples) — take notes and you just might find everything you’ve ever wanted.
A disclaimer: you can post whatever your heart desires as long as it doesn’t violate our Pure community guidelines and/or your country’s law. We’re just aiming to help you out a little bit!

If you happen to be Alain Delon (less likely) or Timothée Chalamet (more likely), then, of course, feel free to do that — but in that case, the substance of your ad doesn’t really matter in the first place. And still, no one would actually know what it is you’re looking for.
We love emojis too, and they can be super fun, but come on — eggplants and peaches? What is with the eggplant emoji anyways? Let us remind you: you’re on Pure. This means the innuendos behind your emoji selection are implied by default, and there’s no need to mention them. Besides, sex isn’t just about the actual intercourse — it’s the chemistry, joy, intimacy, all the little things in between. Turn your creativity switch on and spare us the symbols. We recommend random ones in case you really feel the need to use them. For instance, the David Bowie emoji — a great choice. It will surely help you get more attention.

Now, we understand the concept of preferences, we do. The issue appears when you start using broad terms and excluding entire demographics. When you put it this way, it’s not quite clear what you want, because you’re not actually saying anything of substance: What size is plus-size exactly? How do you define plus-size dating? And what about people with insecurities that will avoid your ad like the plague, whether they fit your criteria or not? After all, dating is not a farmer’s market where you get to pick and choose — try making a connection first. In case someone is really not your type, which is okay, and you don’t know how to reject them without hurting their feelings, worry not, we got you!
What about MILFs then? The term itself is a bit confusing and misused within the internet culture: Is it a woman of a certain age, or a woman with kids? How old do you have to be to be considered a “MILF”? Are you intimidated by mature women who know what they want? Or is this about her divorce? Instructions are not clear and you might scare off someone who you’ll actually like. Try to be more specific.

Let’s talk about size… Does the size really matter? Well, male objectification is real, and more often than not size does matter (link to the article). But mentioning it in your ad isn’t going to cause the mass wow-effect, despite what you’ve been told to believe. The thing is, a number without context is just that: a number. What are you like in real life? Does your huge asset come with a sense of humor or exceptional history knowledge? Wait till you get familiar with someone, then you can actually exchange size confessions, pics of it (make sure you have their consent to do so!) — everything you like so much, and only then it will likely have your desired outcome. Because it will finally be of value!

The enthusiasm level is off the charts… Gentlemen, do you really think something as low-effort as this is going to get you a golden ticket to have the time of your life with someone interesting and fun? You should try to put effort into dating even when you're ready to give up. Nobody really wants to be seen as a late night “better than nothing” option, or a temporary boredom fix — most of us have Netflix and HBO Max subscriptions, and would much rather do that. Not impressed, a little insulted.

Brevity is the soul of wit… or is it? Please spare us the pickup lines that sound like they were written by a high schooler. Now, we do believe your intentions are most likely good and this statement came from the heart and wasn’t a lie — factual knowledge is great. We are, however, encouraging you to give a little bit more context here: what are your desires? Do you have a secret fantasy you’d like to fulfill? Got anything particular in mind? Now we’re talking, and making a connection all at once! The more you know...
Now you’re probably thinking: so what do I write about, if not any of the above?
Well, there are always desires, past or current experiences and fantasies, lighthearted jokes, things you want (and don’t want) to try, how you like unwinding after a long day, aftercare rituals, kinks even. The possibilities are endless.
Extra tip
Try a cultural approach. As in, mentioning your favorite books, artists, and films — that works 99% of the time. One of our Pure community members, Yura, actually met the CEO of Pure through a culture talk!
On average, it’s much easier for ladies to get matches on Pure or pretty much any other dating app. Doesn’t matter if your ad pic is a Kim K meme, and the caption is empty or somewhat obscure — the chances of getting liked are still much higher, we know that. Blame that on the dating apps’ male to female ratio (this mostly applies to people looking for heterosexual experiences on the app). Still, we want to ensure your Pure experience is free of discrimination, prejudices, or any kind of inadequacy coming from strangers. To have A+ time spent with the most interesting people, try putting special effort into your ad so that it captures your essence and personality. The effort is sexy! The more detailed it is, the better the prospect of you finding The Real Deal, something you actually want for yourself.

Of course, many of you might be scared to post your own photos, thanks to the big S disease — the one and only Slut-shaming. We’re living in a weird culture: as if society has already embraced the whole “my body — my choice” thing, and yet you’ll still inevitably come across people calling you names for existing. Good times. If you want to be cautious, try posting a photo in dim lighting, or play with angles so that your face is somewhat covered or hard to identify. Protect your identity! Visuals are important, even if people can’t really see what you look like in HQ — it’s the idea that counts.

Let’s try to be more clear to get better results! Fun is a great word, but it’s a rather broad term. What’s your definition? Would you be down for a chess tournament? How about a Love Island rewatch perhaps? Or are we talking domination? Fun is in the hands of the beholder — as in, we all have different entertainment preferences. Try to be more specific or use keywords!

Here we go with more numbers… one of the most common ad mistakes for both males and females. Numbers in dating profile descriptions or ad text are so not it! On the one hand, we perfectly understand where it’s coming from: today’s cultural and societal obsession with beauty standards is getting out of hand. Add that to the social media-induced constant comparison: it’s only natural numbers are on your mind a lot! On the other hand, though, we know you’re better than this. Are your parameters really the most interesting thing about you? Or is that what you need to know about your future match? We highly doubt it. As cliché as this may sound, what’s on the inside matters astronomically more.

We’re not exaggerating when we say 25% of female ads on Pure are a variation of facesitting desires. We understand the intent — and totally get it — but with such abundance, the offer starts to feel kind of exploitative, don’t you think? There are surely other fun things to do with your match! Not saying you shouldn’t mention it at all, just try to be more creative.
An ad that talks about your desires and interests, and shows your humor and quirks is a much better proposition than an *insert a sexual act* phrase ever could. Whatever your goal is — communication is the golden key. The better the connection, the more thrilling the adventure on a dating app.

Ah, yes, the female version of “bored, trying to see what there’s to do”… Ladies, long gone are the days when women had to play innocent and go with whatever a man initiates to save face. You get to call shots now! Isn’t that exciting? You’re on Pure, after all: the place made specifically for you to explore your sensual boundaries with no shame, no guilt, no misconceptions attached. The new era of dating apps is here. In case you are actually confused and not just pretending — everything starts with asking yourself why you’re here. You can even make a list of things you would and wouldn’t like: works like a charm. Take pride in knowing yourself enough to voice your wishes. It’s sexy!
Now that we’re done giving dating advice, let us reassure you: we’re not trying to tell you what to do. You are free to approach the app in whatever ways you feel like, as long as you follow the community guidelines, laws, and uphold human decency. But in case you haven’t been getting as many matches as you would like, or if the people hitting on you are looking for something completely different and the conversation goes nowhere — maybe it’s time to revisit your ad and see what needs to be changed? Our goal is to make sure all your desires and needs are being met on Pure, whether it’s a passionate fling, a spontaneous museum date, netflix & chill, or eternal love. And if you’re not telling people who you are and what you want, then how could they possibly know and deliver?
Have fun & enjoy the ride!